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Construction Professional Services


There are 93 clarifications for this DPS

122. I am completing our SQ for the Crown Commercial Services DPS. I am preparing our contract examples, and wondered if you could advise re: the following: 54. Please provide the following information for your first contract example for RM6242. If you are applying to provide services under only one service heading then you are required to supply one contract example. If you are applying to provide services under more than one service heading then you are required to supply 2 contract examples. By "service heading", does this refer to technical service, e.g., "architectural and design services", "civil and structural engineering services", "environmental engineering", "public health engineering", etc, or more granular (e.g., by sector / region.) We would be providing architectural and design services only, so I presume that is only one example? Please can you confirm?
The term 'service heading' is relating to the high level technical or professional service you are providing, such as Architectural and Design services / Civil and Structural Engineering services etc. If you only select one high level heading, such as Architectural and Design services, you need to provide one contract example. If you choose multiple high level headings, two contract examples are required.
09/10/2024 15:11
121. Good morning I have been asked to look at joining the CCS CPS DPS and it looks like our company started a questionnaire back in 2022 but this was not completed or submitted. When I try to access the questionnaire, it takes me straight to question 54 and I am not able to locate the rest of the questions in the SQ (which need updating). Are you able to delete this previous application at all so I can start again from scratch? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards
Hello, we cannot see a SCOTT BROWNRIGG LIMITED on the Supplier Registration Service portal for RM6242 Please contact support@nqc.com who can update you on the status of your application
01/10/2024 15:11
118. Good afternoon, last week we were appointed as a supplier on your Construction Professional Services DPS. Please can you advise when we can expect to receive a 'welcome email' (noted in a earlier clarification). Please can you also confirm the following points on how the DPS will operate: 1.Where will DPS opportunities be listed? 2.How will we be notified of new opportunities? 3. How do we upload related documentation / evidence so that it is readily available to contracting authorities. When I click update evidence I receive the following message: Please be advised that there is currently no evidence submission required. Thank you
CCS can confirm that the welcome letter will be issued shortly after your appointment has been confirmed. Whilst the timelines may differ, all suppliers will receive this at some point. DPS opportunities are not listed under a central platform currently and will be dependant upon the clients chosen route of advertising the opportunity. For example, some clients use internal procurement portals or the CCS eSourcing Tool - Jaggaer. Suppliers can upload documentation and evidence through the Public Procurement Gateway. Further information can be found here: https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/public-procurement-gateway-guides
16/08/2024 08:34
117. Please can you confirm, as part of the Confirmation of Services section, if the DPS Agreement Manager, Authorized Representative, Compliance Officer and Data Protection Officer are all personnel within our organisation than The Crown Estate?
CCS can confirm that the named DPS Agreement Manager, Authorised Representative, Compliance Officer and Data Protection Officer will all be personnel of the supplier organisation.
07/08/2024 16:42
116. Hello. Please can you confirm where we can find the DPS filter so we can sign up for all relevant filters for an Architect consultant? Is this part of the SQ or the DPSQ? Also please can you clarify the Selection Questionnaire Name and Description. Finally, will the SQ submit successfully if we leave boxes blank? Thank you.
The generic Selection Questionnaire 2016 is the first stage of application and suppliers will complete this before navigating to the CPS DPSQ. Questions 74- 95 within the Construction Professional Services Questionnaire (DPSQ) will allow you to select the Technical and Professional Services which your organisation is able to provide. Please see the PDF document titled 'SQ_DPS_PROFILE_CONSTRUCTION_SERVICES' within our bid pack for a PDF of all questions.
07/08/2024 16:40
115. Question 6. Can you provide details of your immediate parent company? - Our Immediate Parent Company is located in the USA and when we try to enter the US Post Code in the box, it provides an error and says we must enter a UK Post Code instead. We cannot move past this point of the questionnaire - please advise.
For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Support@nqc.com
16/07/2024 14:25
114. We would like to use a local authority client as a reference - where attachment 1b requests a company number, should this field be filled as 'N/A'?
CCS advises that where there is no company number available, you can include N/A in order to submit the attachment.
16/08/2024 08:32
113. Hi, How do I find and download our appointment form confirmation which was signed?
CCS advises that for any queries with the DPS platform, suppliers contact NQC in the first instance by following the steps in the 'contact us' box at the foot of the webpage.
07/08/2024 16:30
112. With regards to the LETTER OF CONFIRMATION OF SERVICES - the wording states we need to have completed the project. We have two good, current, project examples but they are still live. Is there an alternatively worded template for live projects?
No, there is no template for live projects as CCS can only accept project/ contract examples which have been 'satisfactorily completed' as per Attachment 1a (Letter of Confirmation of Works- Contract Example).
10/06/2024 12:03
108. Subject : Persons of Significant Control If the Person of Significant Control is a legal entity, such as a company, the fields for date of birth, nationality, and the country, state, or part of the UK where the PSC usually resides do not apply, as these details are relevant to individuals, not companies. How should we complete the fields within the section? We talked to you about this matter and the advice given verbally was that we should use placeholder or dummy data. However, in everyone's interest you requested that we submit this clarification question in order that you could provide a written confirmation to eliminate any possibility of ourselves potentially providing a false declaration and enable us to be compliant with your instructions. Since we cannot advance in the process without completing these fields, we kindly seek your guidance on the appropriate approach. Your prompt advice on how to move forward would be greatly appreciated.
UK companies, Societates European (SEs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are required to identify and record the people who own or control their company. Companies, SEs and LLPs are required to keep a PSC register, and must file the PSC information with the central public register at Companies House. See PSC guidance https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-the-people-with-significant-control-requirements-for-companies-and-limited-liability-partnerships . Overseas bidders are required to provide equivalent information. Only information that relates to the persons with powers of representation, decision or control within the meaning of regulation 57(2) can be considered in relation to the mandatory exclusion grounds and other details are requested for information only. There are certain circumstances where it can be a company which is set out in the guidance on the link above, you as the bidder would have to review the PSC guidance and ensure your companies house data aligns. Whoever (person or company) you have listed on companies house is what you should submit as part of your PSC details.
16/04/2024 09:42
107. We note in Question 54 of the Construction Professional Services Questionnaire "Please highlight the relevant Filter sectors - service, industry sector, value band, location." Does this refers to the 'filter matrix" mentioned in Clarification 105? If so, please could you confirm where we find the matrix to allow us to select the services? Thank you
To confirm question 54 is referring to the filter matrix. The purpose of this question is to provide a contract example, where you have delivered services, similar to those you have ticked as able to provide in the filter matrix.The filter matrix is selected in questions 74 to 150 in the CPS SQ The filter matrix can also be found as a excel download from the RM6242 website, under the documents section, select document named "RM6242 Filter matrix of services"
30/01/2024 14:50
106. Construction Professional Services - Part 3: Relevant Experience. Can you please confirm the questions are relating to Architectural projects in both public and private sector and the opportunities are in these areas, cladding, residential, build to rent, retrofit, enerphit, passivhaus, education, hospitality & leisure, heritage.
Hi Simon, can you please confirm the specific question and the question number please?
18/08/2023 08:48
105. Hi, In Question 57 Cofirmation of Services asks: Please confirm if you wish to provide a second contract example. We have provided already a letter for one of the Schools Project details I submitted previously. The guidance of the question says 'if you are applying to provide services under only one service heading then you are required to supply one contract example. If you are applying to provide services under more than one service heading then you are required to supply 2 contract examples', my question is what do you mean with service heading? Is it mandatory that we need to provide another Confirmation of Services letter? Thanks, Carmen
The term 'service heading' is relating to the technical or professional service you are providing. You are asked for an example of a contract where you have delivered services, similar to those you have ticked as able to provide in the filter matrix (sectioned into services headings such as Architectural design services / Environmental Engineering etc) If you select more than 1 service, it is mandatory to provide another contract example specifically relating to that service.
31/07/2023 16:34
103. Is the Carbon Reduction Plan relating to what we design or about our own carbon emissions?
The organisations own carbon emissions. The Carbon Reduction Plan should detail the organisation's commitment to reducing carbon, within the plan you are required to briefly provide details of some of your completed carbon reduction achievements. This may include environmental management measures such as certification schemes like ISO14001 or PAS 2060, signing up to SBTI or specific measures you have taken such as;the adoption of LED/PIR lighting controls, changes to policy resulting in reduction in company travel and flights or the electrification of the company fleet Guidance / resources & tools such as a carbon reduction report template are available to support suppliers construct their carbon reduction plan. Please refer to PPN 06/21 Policy note and guidelines
12/07/2023 14:56
102. Is there an acceptable alternative means of getting evidence of completion, as we are not comfortable asking CEOs to sign off completion certificates?
Hello, Your original query has been answered in your most recent question 2603.
29/06/2023 17:11
101. We are applying to the Construction Professional Services DPS aka RM6242, and are wondering whether there is an acceptable alternative means of getting evidence of completion, as political tensions at particular authorities mean we are not comfortable asking CEOs to sign off completion certificates?
Unfortunately there is no other way to evidence completion of a service. Perhaps an example with another customer could be used or you could ask someone else from within the organisation for a reference or sign off.
29/06/2023 17:10
100. Please could you confirm if it is possible to apply for the DPS twice? Once as a solo company and again as a consortium? Many thanks
To confirm it is acceptable to apply to the RM6242 DPS as both a solo company and a consortium, you will need to complete the application process for both.
27/06/2023 10:51
99. Hello, in relation to questions 58 and 60 of the DPS, please can you confirm if the question 'Please describe the contract and how its performance demonstrates construction professional services for customers' is scored? We note the character limit is only 500 so would therefore like to provide more information if so. Many thanks
Unfortunately you cannot exceed the character limit given per question. You will be required to condense your answer down in order to move onto the next question.
28/06/2023 11:31
98. In the READMEFIRST RM6242 Document, it states that Q133-135 requesting contract examples is not applicable. However in the Confirmation of Services question in the DPSQ as below it asks the following: '53. Please confirm you are able to provide details of your contract example for RM6242. If a contract example is not provided your organisation will be deemed as non compliant and will therefore be rejected from the RM6242 DPS.' Could you please clarify, as it seems the 'I confirm' box following this question needs to be ticked to proceed. Many thanks
The contract examples within the Selection Questionnaire are not required for joining the Dynamic Purchasing System. There are questions in the Selection Questionnaire that are not applicable for the RM6242 Construction Professional Services DPS Procurement. Therefore please note a response is NOT required to the questions as detailed below.. Part 1- (Contract example 1) - Question 133 - Are you able to provide details of your First example contract? Part 1- (Contract example 2) - Question 134 - Are you able to provide details of your Second example contract? Part 1- (Contract example 3) - Question 135 - Are you able to provide details of your Third example contract? Part 3- (The safe supply of Steel) Question 147- Question 149 Part 3- (Supply Chain) Question 147 Question 150- 154
14/06/2023 16:22
97. In Response to clarification 2571 my query relates to Questions 153 and 154 of the DPSQ and not the SQ, I've reworded my query below. Can CCS please confirm why at least one option has to be selected for the Additional Capability Options in questions 153 and 154 of the DPSQ? The guidance in these questions suggests that an answer shouldn't have to be provided.
These questions are mandatory because suppliers need to have at least one of the listed Security Clearance Levels & at least one of the Data Security Accreditations in order to be appointed to the DPS.
01/06/2023 10:24

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