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Construction Professional Services


There are 93 clarifications for this DPS

55. Questionnaire Questions - 131, 132 is it considered a fail if both of these questions are answered 'no'? Thank you.
It is not considered a fail if both of these questions are answered 'no'
16/02/2022 14:56
54. At question 162, you ask; Which of the following CESG cyber certifications does your organisation currently hold? Tick all that apply. Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - Risk Assessment Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - Risk Management Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - Security Architecture Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - Audit & Review Certified Cyber Security Consultancy - Incident Management Penetration Testing: CHECK Cyber Incidents: CIR Tailored Evaluation: CTAS We are Cyber Essentials Plus accredited but do not hold any of the above. Please advise if this would result in a fail if we are not intending to become accredited? We are an architecture company, so are all the above relevant? Kind Regards
Question 162 of the Selection Questionnaire refers to CCS Authorised Representative. Please refer to Question 5 of the DPSQ which states 'If you have answered No to Q.155 of the standard Selection Questionnaire (Does your organisation have Cyber Essentials Certification?), please confirm below if your response is correct:'. CCS Can confirm that if your organisation has Cyber Essentials Plus status then your application will not result in a fail if you do not hold any of the certifications stated in your question.
17/03/2022 16:37
53. We have completed the online questionnaire. Can you please confirm if we are now on the Dynamic Purchasing System?
CCS confirms that you are now Appointed on the CPS DPS.
04/02/2022 16:14
52. Good afternoon, We have recently been appointed as a supplier on your Construction Professional Services DPS. Could you please confirm the following points on how the DPS will operate: 1.Where will DPS opportunities be listed? 2.How will we be notified of new opportunities? 3.What is the threshold for using the DPS as opposed to your Framework? 4.What reporting will be requested from you? 5.What marketing do you have to sell the DPS? i.e. flyers 6.How can our clients utilise the Framework 7.How can we help raise the profile of the DPS Many thanks
You will be sent a Welcome email shortly after appointment, which will answer these queries and you'll then have the opportunity for an online meeting for Appointed suppliers.
04/02/2022 16:14
51. Within the DPS questionnaire, at Q71 you ask us to: 'Please provide the percentage of invoices paid by you to those in your immediate supply chain on all contracts within 60 days of the receipt of the invoice in each of the last two six month periods' Please could you expand on what exactly falls under supply chain? You also ask us to provide: 'A copy of your standard payment terms for all of your supply chain contracts'. We do not have standard payment terms for all contracts. Terms are agreed on a supplier by supplier basis depending upon the nature of supply and terms available. Please confirm that we wouldn't 'fail' on this basis and what we should upload? Kind Regards
An immediate supply chain, would consist of any supplier required to help your organisation provide the services (selected in Filter 1), directly to the customer. Standard payment terms that should be provided here are the ones with the highest utilisation rate and which have the largest percentage share of being used by your organisation with other suppliers, over any other payment terms.
10/02/2022 14:45
50. I have logged on today to check the status of the SQ we submitted in November. We are being asked to provide supplementary evidence to confirm declarations made in our SQ. I'm not sure if we have to provide everything in the list or just certain documents. I'm also unsure how to go about uploading this information, is this via the questionnaire? Many thanks
Can you please confirm what question's you are referring to, do they have question numbers or names attached to them?
10/02/2022 14:45
49. We refer to clause 7.2 of DPS 6242 Construction Professional Services Joint Schedule 3; Insurance Requirements. It is understood that Relevant Authority requires notification of any insurance claim in excess of 10% of the required insurance arising out of the Deliverables or the Contract with Relevant Authority. However, is it also the intent that the Relevant Authority requires notification of any insurance claim on the required insurances including claims relating to contracts which the Supplier has with other clients? The Supplier is a large multinational organisation with a comprehensive insurance programme which at one time may have a number of ongoing claims. Therefore such a reporting requirement would be unnecessarily onerous and subject to confidentiality obligations with other clients.
Para 7.2 refers back to para 5.1 which states 'the Supplier shall ensure that any Insurances which are stated to have a minimum limit """"in the aggregate"""" are maintained at all times for the minimum limit of indemnity specified in this Contract and if any claims are made which do not relate to this Contract then the Supplier shall notify the Relevant Authority and provide details of its proposed solution for maintaining the minimum limit of indemnity."""" The clause is for notification on claims outside the contract which may affect the suppliers ability to provide the minimum limit of indemnity on any RM6242 contract. The Supplier is advised to refer to para 5.1 of Joint Schedule 3, and seek their own legal advice if required.
17/03/2022 16:36
48. In question 129 it asks, 'Do you meet the minimum level of economic and financial standing and/or minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria for this procurement?' Sorry, I cant find information for what the threshold is. Please could you clarify? Thanks
Please refer to the DPS Needs document at paragraph 95 which states 'If any member of a group has a level of financial risk which does not meet the financial threshold score of 50, and you cannot provide a guarantor whose level of financial risk is acceptable, your consortium bid may be excluded as an interim measure until your consortium group is able to meet the financial threshold for this DPS'. The financial threshold for this DPS is 50.
07/01/2022 17:50
47. Our questionnaire goes from Q21 to Q104 so am not sure how to include information on our Carbon Reduction plan which seems to be compulsory
The Carbon Reduction Plan questions are included in the DPSQ which are in the next stage of Questions after you have completed your Standard SQ. Once you have completed the Standard SQ you will be directed to the DPSQ which are questions that are specific to the DPS including Carbon Reduction where you can provide the required information.
07/01/2022 17:49
46. Cyber Security - Q5. We have answered No to Q155 of the standard SQ, therefore responded to Q5 as Yes. We understand from your clarifications that not have Cyber Essentials Cert will Fail us, however would you consider accepting alternative measure that are in place such as anti-virus license, etc ?
CCS can confirm that any supplier wishing to be be appointed to this DPS must hold the Cyber Essentials certification at the point of application. A Supplier without this certification will be rejected from the DPS.
04/02/2022 16:13
45. Hello, We have Cyber Essentials Plus certification and have ticked 'yes' for question 156, and provided the details. However, do we also need to tick 'yes' for question 155? This seems to relate to Cyber Essentials Basic. The document in the Bid Pack 'Attachment 6 - DPSQ - RM6242 Construction Professional Services', item 69, says: "69. You are required to confirm as part of your DPS submission, that you have Cyber Essentials basic certification in place, as a minimum, at Question 155 of the SQ. If you have Cyber Essentials Plus you can select this option at Question 156 of the SQ. A 'Yes' response to either of these questions is acceptable. " However, item 70, then goes on to say: "70. If you select 'No' to Question 155 of the SQ and confirm this response at Question 5 of the DPSQ by selecting 'Yes' that you do not hold a valid Cyber Essentials basic certificate this will be classed as a 'Fail' and your application will be rejected until you have a valid Cyber Essentials basic certificate. " Can you confirm, if we only tick 'yes' for Question 156, confirming we have Cyber Essentials Plus, and 'no' to Question 155, this will suffice? Kind regards,
CCS can confirm that your application will suffice if you select 'Yes' that you have Cyber Essentials Plus and 'No' to Question 155 Cyber Essentials Basic.
07/01/2022 17:49
44. Hello, We have noticed some questions on the supplier online standard selection questionnaire (SQ) that aren't included that we can see, in the bidder pack document 'READ FIRST RM6242 - DPS Needs_v2.0', under item 73: Selection Questionnaire - Not Applicable questions. The document 'Attachment 6 - DPSQ - RM6242 Construction Professional Services', which provides Bidders with an overview of the questions Bidders must answer, has standard selection questionnaire questions up to Q155 and Q156 (Cyber Essentials) for the standard SQ section (before the DPSQ), but online there are further questions that require responding to before moving to the next stage. Can you confirm these also need responding to, or are they also not applicable? Kind regards,
CCS can confirm that these are mandatory questions and should be completed for your application to progress. A negative answer will not affect your application to the DPS.
09/02/2022 15:48
43. Are questions 162 & 163 a pass/fail? Can we still be successful on the DPS without any of these and just Cyber Essentials Basic?
CCS can confirm that both questions 162 and 163 are mandatory and do require a response in order to progress. Cyber Essentials certificate requirements are not related to Questions 162 or 163.
26/11/2021 15:48
42. I am progressing through the online SQ. If a section does not apply to ourselves, i.e. Steel, do we leave the section blank or input N/A? Also I have selected yes to a couple of questions instead of no, but can't seem to be able to amend this. Please could you advise how? Many thanks
CCS can confirm that a response is not required for all questions in the Selection Questionnaire. Please refer to paragraph 72 of the DPS needs document for confirmation. If a Bidder is unable to amend their SQ, they must contact support@nqc.com who will be able to assist them. Unfortunately, CCS are not able to amend information in a Bidder's Selection Questionnaire. For assistance with your application, could you please liaise with the support service for Supplier Registration at: SRS service desk; +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Support@nqc.com
18/11/2021 16:11
41. Hi there, We submitted our DPS application today, however, the selection questionnaire is showing as expired, and Construction Professional Services is showing as assessing. They both have the same reference number. Is there anything else that we have to do at this stage to complete our application or is our submission with you now for review?
Once a submission is in the 'Assessing' stage, CCS has up to 15 working days to investigate and assess the application. During this time, if anything more is required from a Bidder regarding their application they will be contacted. Once this assessment has been completed, Bidder's applications will then move to the 'Agreeing' stage.
18/11/2021 16:10
40. Good morning, Can you please respond to clarification no. 30? Regards,
Please see the response to this clarification question
18/11/2021 16:14
39. The query I have is that on question 77 it asks the Architectural Services we are able to provide which I have answered. It then jumps to question 98 which supports question 77 by asking which industrial sectors our organisation is able to provide services to which I have ticked all. Then it jumps to question 99 through to 108 asking all other services we can provide as below which reads to us if we can provide police, ambulance, fire services etc to these services. Please advise as we are Architects only and not police, ambulance, fire services etc.... Are these questions actually asking the same question as 98 but in more depth or has there been an error and the incorrect questions have appeared? Questions 99 to 108 are below: 99. Please select the Blue Light services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Police✔Ambulance✔Fire Services 100. Please select the Education services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Higher Education✔Further Education✔Schools 101. Please select the Energy & Utilities services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Carbon Net Zero (Energy)✔Energy Efficiency Nuclear Oil and Gas Off-shore Renewables✔Wind Power✔Water and Hydropower 102. Please select the Environment services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Sustainability Waste✔Carbon Net Zero (Environment) Disaster Resilience✔Ecosystem 103. Please select the Clinical, Health, Social Care services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Hospitals✔Social Care✔Laboratories✔Life Sciences✔General Practice / Integrated Care / Community Care 104. Please select the Housing and Buildings services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Social Housing✔Accommodation✔Temporary Accommodation✔Heritage✔Commercial✔Office✔Leisure / Hotel✔Retail✔Sports, Stadia and Venues✔High Rise✔Mixed use 105. Please select the Justice services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Custodial✔Courts 106. Please select the Defence and Security services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply. Cyber security✔Physical security✔Aviation/Aerospace✔Maritime Intelligence Security Services 107. Please select the Transport services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Rail✔Bus / Rail depots and stations✔Aviation✔Maritime✔Submarine✔Ports✔Highways, Tunnels and Bridges 108. Please select the Urban Regeneration services in which your organisation is able to provide. Tick all that apply.✔Town Centre Regeneration Smart Cities
CCS advises that Question 77 refers to Filter 1 and the actual Technical Services that you can provide, where as Questions 99-108 are specific to Filter 2 - Industry Sectors.This Filter will enable Buyers to down select those suppliers with the relevant experience and capability, in the specific Industry sector required. Suppliers are are asked to tick the high level Industry Sector and subsectors, that they believe they are able to provide construction professional and technical services to.
04/02/2022 16:12
38. Can you please clarify the questions below; 150. Can you supply a list of your relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years? Could you please clarify the requirement here, is this simply a list of contracts we have delivered in the last 3 years? 180. Upload documentary evidence for a certificate for each principal contract for goods and/or services provided in the last three years Could you please clarify what is meant by a 'Certificate', the contracts we deliver do not have 'certificates'. Also as a large organisation we will have delivered many hundreds of contracts in the last 3 years.
CCS can confirm that bidders are not required to answer questions 150-154. Confirmation of this can be found at paragraph 72 of the DPS needs document. Question 180 also does not require an upload of documentary evidence. Rather, Bidders should describe contract examples at the relevant question in the DPSQ (ie, question 56) and upload a letter of confirmation of works at the relevant question of the DPSQ (ie, question 58)
18/11/2021 16:10
37. Confirmation of Services Questionnaire: Q55. - We have not done any historic work on this framework, so we are unable to upload a contract example specific to RM6242. I can't move on until this question is completed. Please advise if there is anything else we are able to upload as an example.
The contract example is not specific to any CCS contract. We are asking for an example of a contract, where you have delivered services, similar to those you have ticked as able to provide in the filter matrix. Examples of work with any customer or via other contracting vehicles.
18/11/2021 15:03
36. Part 1 - Q6 Immediate Parent Company (IPC) We are asked to provide a Post Code for our Immediate Parent Company. Our IPC is based in Sweden so doesn't hold a UK Post Code. Please advise how we should populate is field ?
Please enter the Swedish equivalent of a UK postcode for your organisation's Immediate Parent Company. Select the required country as Sweden. This will not cause any issues with your DPS application.
18/11/2021 15:06

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