I wish to update my details on the Dynamic Purchasing System and cannot find where to do this
You can update your DPS questionnaire by logging into the Supplier Registration dashboard and selecting 'Update DPSQ' on the DPS questionnaire in the 'Appointed' stage. If unable to see this questionnaire on the dashboard, please ensure the 'Questionnaires' filter is set to 'All questionnaires' and 'Status' filter is set to 'Any'.
Selecting 'Update DPSQ' will push the submission back to the 'Registered 2' stage where you can then select 'Save and view answers' and review all the answers in this section which includes the services you offer and the contact details for ITTs. Please note that for most DPS agreements only this stage is updateable, since this is generally the only stage that is visible to buyers.
Once all the relevant details in this section have been updated you can sign off and resubmit. It will default to 'Assessing' at which point Crown Commercial Service can move to 'Agreeing' stage so you can then reagree the Ts & Cs and select 'Join DPS'. At this point your submission will show again as 'Appointed' on the dashboard and all updates will have been applied.