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Adult Skills and Learning


There are 51 clarifications for this DPS

59. Question 1.3.1 of the selection question for adult skills fund, we are a HE provider. How do we know whether we say yes or no on this? We have looked through the bid pack and can't see any guidance.
Question 1.3.1 forms part of the standard selection questionnaire. Questions are not always applicable to every organisation. The question asks if your company needs to be authorised by or be a member of a particular organisation in order to provide the services you will provide through the DPS. For example, how banks need to be authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in order to be able to provide services. Please complete to the best of your knowledge given your company's individual circumstances. Questions can be updated in future if circumstances change.
20/01/2025 13:32
57. We were newly incorporated in June 2024 and so do not have full accounts as yet. Can you signpost the guidance for us please --- so we can upload the correct documentation and we can complete the FVRA spreadsheet accurately
We ask that you use your draft accounts to complete the FVRA and also provide these accounts by attaching them to your application in order for our teams to verify the FVRA given they are not published accounts. It is advised that you take advantage of using tab '3.1 Lead Bidder Assessment' starting in cell N19. This provides an opportunity to present mitigating commentary for example stating the non profit element and impact of this and on the various ratios.
17/01/2025 10:18
56. In relation to the Adult Skills and Learning Selection Questionnaire Selection Questionnaire Reference: 1734012979. I understand that the stage listed as Registered 1 is showing as finished on the supplier registration portal and we are unable to amend. Can you confirm whether once the Registered 2 Questionnaire has been completed and moved to the assessing stage that we can amend a couple of answers to questions on the Registered 1 Questionnaire?
Please be advised that if you reach the assessing stage of the Selection Questionnaire but still require to make changes, you may request to be moved back to PART 1 in order to amend the application. For technical advice when submitting your Selection Questionnaire, please contact support@nqc.com
14/01/2025 13:40
53. Where a Public Sector Organisation is in the process of obtaining Cyber Essentials Re-certification, Can we still apply to be included on the DPS and be appointed meaning we can participate in further competitions or can we not be appointed to the DPS and participate without Cyber Essentials Re-Certification.
It is mandatory for suppliers to have either a valid Cyber Essentials Basic or Cyber Essentials Plus certificate to become an appointed supplier on the DPS for RM6348. A supplier can go through the application process without yet having a Cyber Essentials certificate, but a supplier can only be appointed once CCS received proof that a supplier holds a valid certificate.
17/12/2024 12:05
52. Our application was created in July and has had the status "assessing - responding" for a long time. It says it was last edited by a gov employee on the 6th of November. When would we expect to received further news?
Please be advised that 'assessing - responding' indicates that your application has been moved back to part 1, as more information is required in order for the application to be assessed. Please see the feedback that the DPS team have provided via email regarding your application and resubmit once you are ready for assessing to restart.
17/12/2024 12:13
50. Some references to the Security Management Plan indicate that there may be a template with some detail already in existence, but Part B - Annex 2 - Security Management Plan (within DPS Order Schedule 9 - Security) is blank. Is there an existing template or are we generating our own template/plan according to requirements as stated within DPS Order Schedule 9 - Security?
If a buyer decides to include Order Schedule 9 (Security) in their call-off contract, the supplier being awarded the contract would need to develop and maintain a Security Management Plan to comply with the buyer's Security Policy. There isn't a template for this, but the Order Schedule 9 (Security) outlines what should be included in terms of content.
29/11/2024 15:08
49. There are a number of reference to the Security Policy throughout the documentation supplied. Is the Security Policy the DPS Order Schedule 9 - Security or is this referring to another document that we will need a copy of?
The Security Policy is the Buyer's security policy, referred to in the Order Form, in force as at the Order Start Date (a copy of which has been supplied to the Supplier), as updated from time to time and notified to the Supplier.
29/11/2024 15:10
48. We are completing the FVRA and cell J23 on tab 3.1 is showing as R and red, however, the corresponding value in cell G23 is within the green ratio (less than 4, lower the better), so we think this RAG rating in cell J23 should be G and green. Is there an error with the formula that needs to be corrected?
Please could you check that the corresponding cell on the lead bidder tab 1.1a cell G172 matches the RAG on tab 3.1 cell J23. This is what the RAG corresponds to. If you still believe there is an error, state this within the corresponding bidder comments cell.
09/12/2024 07:23
47. Our organisation is a 100% asset locked Community Interest Company. So are its subsidiaries and holding company. The Financial Viability Risk Assessment tool allows for two types of company either for profit or non profit . However, CICs report using the standard business accounting methodology with the lock ( non profit element) demonstrated within the accounts. The not for profit spreadsheet is set out using the standard ( restricted/ non restricted) charity reporting methodology. Neither format allows us to input our figures in a clear manner. The problem we have is that as a non profit we can't use the business format because of how it is drafted (it doesn't allow us to state we are a non-profit) and neither can we use the charity format as that would mean reformatting all of our accounts. Either format as they are currently set out means we are unable to submit a true and valid response to the questions. Please can you clarify how we are to report of financials. Many thanks.
Suppliers should input the figures from company accounts as best as possible as a supplier would in a submission to Companies House into tab '1.1b Lead Financial Input'. CCS appreciates that this format may not be ideal for CIC's. However, what is key is for the supplier to take advantage of using tab '3.1 Lead Bidder Assessment' starting in cell N19 as this gives the supplier an opportunity to present mitigating commentary for example stating the non profit element and impact of this and on the various ratios. Once the assessment takes place CCS may reach out to the supplier who has submitted the FVRA for clarity on any of the figures rather than rejecting outright straight away, but CCS welcomes the supplier to complete the FVRA as best as possible in the first instance. Suppliers are not deemed as 'Unacceptable' due to being a CIC by nature. All assessments of FVRAs are done contextually on a case-by-case basis.
16/12/2024 16:33
45. Hi For the qualification levels questions, we run non-accredited training that aligns with levels 3-5. What should we put for this question, should it be non-qualification or levels 3-5? Thanks
For the qualification levels you select, you will be invited to bid for the kind of contracts looking for that type of training, provided you meet the customer's other requirements also. If you select both the non-qualifications and the levels 3 to 5, you will be invited to bid for the contracts that include those training requirements. You would need to outline in any bids the type of training you provide, including that it is non-accredited training.
11/11/2024 16:28
44. We are an FE College and are currently applying to get onto the Adult Skills and Learning DPS. We would like to apply for contracts over £5m but are currently reviewing and working on our Carbon Reduction Plan which will not be ready for at least three months. We would like to apply now for contracts under £5m and wanted to know whether we would be able to update our application at a later date and include contracts over £5m and then add our Carbon Reduction Plan / link?
Yes, you are able to select that you would like to apply now for contracts up to and including £5m. Once you have a Carbon Reduction Plan in place, you can edit your responses to the questionnaire. The changes will then be assessed by the onboarding team and reflected on the system.
04/11/2024 16:58
43. I just tried to log into CCS' Bravo Solutions portal, but for some reason my anti-virus software identified it as a phishing website and wouldn't allow me access. Is my antivirus at fault, or has the portal been taken over and corrupted?
For help with technical queries related to the CCS eSourcing portal, you should use the contact information on the CCS eSourcing webpages.
18/10/2024 09:48
42. I have completed all SQ and DPS questions, and now ready to submit. I have, however, in error uploaded the wrong document for the FVRA attachment in the SQ. I cannot see how I can delete this wrong document and upload the correct one prior to submission. Can you please indicate if this is possible, or do I need to complete a new SQ? Can you please advise how I would go about either option.
You can first try contacting NQC, our service provider for the system, to see if they can help you to navigate back to the correct place in the questionnaire to amend what you need to. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com . If this isn't possible, email info@crowncommercial.gov.uk with the correct documents, explaining the situation, quoting "RM6348 FVRA for DPS Onboarding Team", who should then be able to use the correct documents for the FVRA.
15/10/2024 09:33
41. Q3.2.5 asks "if you are bidding as a consortium ...etc..., are you able to provide the FVRA Tool". Q3.2.6 and Q3.2.7 then also ask if a provider can upload if bidding as a consortium. There is not an N/A option, only Yes or No. Which option should be selected if we are not bidding as a consortium?
If you're not bidding as a consortium, you can select 'No' to this question.
07/10/2024 12:43
39. Hello. We are a start up company and have been trading for less than a year, so cannot provide 3 years worth of accounts. Are we eligible to apply?
If your organisation has been in operation for less than 3 years please provide all available accounts. It may be that you need to provide draft accounts if these are what is available, and add a note to explain this.
25/09/2024 09:07
38. We completed a DPS application this morning, and unexpectedly found ourselves being asked all sorts of irrelevant questions about steel and CRPs and payment terms, etc. When we got to the end we submitted the application, but now we cannot find any way to access the DPSQ itself. Have we completed the wrong form?
You may have completed the generic Selection Questionnaire (SQ) as opposed to the SQ for the adult skills and learning agreement. If you contact our service provider NQC, they may be able to transfer some of the answers over to the relevant SQ. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com . Although, as the questionnaires are different, this may not be possible and may require a fresh application by clicking 'access as a buyer' under the adult skills and learning section on the DPS website: https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps
29/08/2024 13:16
37. So further to Q&A 36, does that mean that pp 105 - 123 of "RM6348 - Adult Skills DPS Questionnaire.pdf" are actually irrelevant to this opportunity? If so, could the guidance pdf please be reissued without the irrelevant sections, to save bidders wasting time preparing answers to questions that don't appear online?
Not every supplier will need to complete every question as some questions will only appear if certain answers are given to previous questions.
27/08/2024 14:45
36. I've just been completing the SSQ/DPSQ for one of my clients, and as soon I had finished completing the Grounds for Discretionary Exclusion (Q2.7.1) it took me to SSQ Submission page: the whole of SSQ Part 3 shown in the pdf question template - from §3.1 Economic & Financial Standing through to §3.13 Tackling Modern Slavery in Supply Chains - did not appear. Is * a glitch in the system and they should have appeared? Or * do they only appear for certain applicants? If so, which questions determine whether they should appear? Or, * Should they not appear in the pdf? If it's the latter it's quite annoying, as based on the pdf I have spent some little time preparing answers to all the question in SSQ Part 3.
Part 3 questions are in the DPSQ (financial standing, modern slavery etc.) so if you proceed you'll get to answer the part 3 questions.
23/08/2024 12:24
35. Further to q&a 31. Thank you for the advice regarding Net Cash flow. Am I correct in assuming this figure should be the sum of the figures in Rows 50 and 111 of the relevant column? Regarding the Month End Net Debt, I'm aware of the advice in the spreadsheet. Unfortunately I don't really understand it. Where on the spreadsheet - or in a typical set of SME accounts - do I find a month by month breakdown of the net debt position? And why is it 13 months, not 12? Does it matter if I leave this cell blank?
To establish a Net Cash Flow would be to take all the cash flowing into the business and subtract all the cash outflows. However, there are a couple of variations that can also be used to establish Net cash Flow. Please note for this DPS that CCS are not assessing net/free cash flow so therefore there is no requirement on the Bidder to provide these details. Regarding the Month End Net Debt, if you hover over the cell and read the comment provided, it should indicate that this is only used on companies within the construction industry. This is not data that CCS requires the bidders to provide for this DPS as it is not being assessed, please therefore leave blank.
27/08/2024 14:40
34. We are a Scottish based company with the SC prefix before our company number and we keep getting an error message to use only numeric values on the company registration number
Please contact NQC (our service provider), who will be able to advise a way forward. You can call NQC on 0161 413 7982 or via email on Support@nqc.com
23/08/2024 12:28

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