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There are 42 clarifications for this DPS

55. Legal Status No 29. I have replied yes, confirming that we have complied with the annual reporting requirements contained within section 54. I have now been asked to: Please insert url to the statement. Can you please advise what the url is?
If a supplier is required to report annually for Section 54 they would normally have to have a Modern Slavery Statement published on their website. This is what the URL would be.
20/08/2024 16:04
54. Title: Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 We are a software QA specialist company (as a main bidder/Supplier) with added supply chain (sub-contracting businesses) of similar/related expertise joining hands for DPS "RM6148 Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2 extension notice" & have below questions for clarifications to support forming our Onsite-Onshore-Offshore resourcing model for benefit of buyers of this DPS. 1.Can we plan our business resourcing model combining, "On Site (Buyers premises) - Onshore site (Supplier site - Within UK) & suppliers offshore delivery centre capacity at India"? 2.We understand every buyer's needs could be a different, however, what immediate technical standards/certifications/security measures will be demanded for an Onshore &Or Offshore model, if/when we propose a QA delivery service in whole? (Other than to what's been published/asked/demanded at tender document such as cyber essentials plus etc). Because we assuming Onshore and offshore centres should not be just a floor to accommodate resources, but it must have a plan/standard(s), so we are trying to understand it, for planning. Thank you. 3.Like above, we understand every buyer/project's resource needs will be different, however, what immediate resource capacity we might be required to demonstrate to engage for an Onshore &Or Offshore model? 4.Connecting to resource capacity/pool, which category of security clearances are applicable (will be demanded) for each Onsite/Onshore/Offshore resource pool? 5.Connecting above, for L6 & L7 category roles do we (supplier) have any scope to utilise highly skilled staff not eligible for SC/DV for any on-demand/few/key agreed technical dependency QA tasks deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 6.Connecting above, can we engage/deploy Individuals/Coordinators not eligible for SC/DV for any few/key agreed coordination activities between teams/QA deliveries at any of Onsite/Onshore/Offshore centres, through a prior agreement? 7.Engaging sponsorship facility: Our subcontractors are included with UK Based businesses with Sponsorship Licence facility to sponsor any on-demand skills. So, for any buyers' project with NO SC/DV demand, for L1 - L5 roles (Onsite/Onshore) can we engage any resources with immigration control (such as skilled worker/dependents)? Mainly, for any delivery/service we agree with buyer for Onsite/Onshore model. 8.There might be few scenarios where we have an eligible candidate for SC/DV clearance but with little/no experience with any specific application/experience in test/QA. Can we engage them through experience discloser engagement for roles of L1 - L4 category? 9.Connecting with Quality Assurance (QA) Capability Development, when/if we want to bring/propose a new QA approach/delivery framework beneficial for authorities/buyers including upskilling job opportunities for youth/graduates within UK, what support/encouragement is in place! &OR what additional support we can expect from DPS authorities/buyers, when our proposal is long lasting solution/method and not beneficial for any just one/two specific deliveries! & How should we present and when we would be allowed? 10.Automation: Our preparation is also focussed on automation and NFT. Connecting to this, we assuming the tools/user licensing part are at additional cost of Buyer/project and is not included on to published resource cost. Is our assumption correct? 11.Connecting to point above, who will manage the resources or assign the tasks for any L1 - L5 staff deployed onsite? 12. Deploying resource onsite (buyers' site) means, will that be JUST a resource deployment for buyer to manage further by them (buyer staff) OR will that be a service delivery agreement own/manage by us (supplier) through nomination of one or few resources at Buyers site, with further remote support from Onshore/Offshore centres (as it demands)? 13. General: We understand, this DPS is coming to an end on July 1st, 2025. However, can we still register during July/August 2024? 14. Connecting to above question, do we need to re-enrol in future when the DPS is reappeared after July 1st, 2025, or will it be autorenewal? 15. Flexibility: Do resources engaged for onsite activities have any flexibility for remote work with frequent visit/reporting to buyer site? Or does it demand daily visit to buyer site? Connecting to same, what roles are MUST require daily visit to buyer site? 16. IR35: Most of our engagements are subcontracting &or fulltime engaged staff. So, we would like to understand what roles/engagements would fall inside IR35 & outside IR35? We appreciate your support in clarifying the above for us & we apologies for too many questions if we have, thank you.
You have selected the incorrect clarification link. Please select the clarification link for RM6148 Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems - scroll further down on the webpage.
19/06/2024 14:23
53. Dear CCS, can we please have some clarity as to how to join the RM6313 Demand Management & Renewables DPS? We only get the link to the Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps but this doesn't seem to be the same thing. Could you please help? Many thanks
Please scroll down on the Supplier Registration Service webpage, where you located the LVPS DPS. You will find all other DPS agreements. Click on the relevant heading, scroll down to the DPS you are searching to join and click on the 'Access as Supplier' link.
21/05/2024 11:54
52. Can you confirm if you will accept Contractors proposing partners to complete the below items (direct to client/not through Contractor). •software and back-office solutions •lease and purchase of products We look forward to hearing from you Kind Regards
We recommend for you to review the RM6237 -LVPS -Supplier Access Information document contained within the Supplier Access Pack in order to complete your suitability assessment with the system. Please note that the suitability assessment questions do not request information on your capability to provide the non-medical goods and or services, your financial standing or the details and suitability of any subcontractors which you intend to use to provide the non-medical goods and or services. These elements of your suitability, and that of any subcontractors, will be checked by buyers when deciding whether to award a contract to you.
21/05/2024 11:42
51. Hi there, can you please let me know if it will be possible to propose revisions/additions to the contract/Agreement, subject to being evaluated and 'qualified'? thank you
No we are not able to accept revisions of the CCS-Supplier contract. CCS and the Supplier intend to be bound by the terms of the LVPS Contract and agree that the LVPS Contract takes effect on and from the date on which CCS first makes the Offered Deliverables available to Buyers through the LVPS. Please refer to page 1 of the CCS-Supplier Contract document for further details.
15/05/2024 14:09
50. Do you meet the minimum level of economic and financial standing and/or minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria for this procurement?. - Please guide where to find the minimum financial threshold specified within the evaluation criteria . Thanks.
These suitability assessment questions do not request information on your capability to provide the non-medical goods and or services, your financial standing or the details and suitability of any subcontractors which you intend to use to provide the non-medical goods and or services. These elements of your suitability, and that of any subcontractors, will be checked by buyers when deciding whether to award a contract to you.
17/04/2024 16:58
49. I am trying to complete the LVPS. Question 13 is asking for registration details for Trade registration. I am trying to input Gas Safe and our Gas Safe registration number but I am being advised that the format of the registration no does not meet. Please can you advise how to input this number as I have advised we have 9 Trade registrations so assume the following questions will be the same. Thank you
The trade registration number would need to be in an 8 digit format. For numbers less than 8 digits, please simply add the required number of 0s in order to be in an 8 digit format. If you have any further issues with the system when trying to enter an 8 digit number please contact the service provider NQC on +44 (0) 161 413 7982.
15/05/2024 14:02
48. Hello. If the Litmus Partnership is unsuccessful in its application to become a supplier on Facilities Management and Workplace Services - Facilities Management and Workplace Services DPS - CCS RB6264. When could we make the next application? What is the period as to when you are allowed to make a fresh submission? Is it on per year?
This does not relate the LVPS. Please ask the clarification question through the relevant DPS section on supplier registration for RM6264 Facilities Management.
20/03/2024 09:49
47. Hello, we are looking to apply to the DPS marketplace and have a question about the exact function of affiliating with the DPS profile. Please clarify whether this service is focused on issuing research tender opportunities or whether it is solely focused to provide tangible services and goods related to DPS?
This does not sound like the Low Value Purchase System, please ask your clarification question under the appropriate DPS on the Supplier Registration Service (SRS) portal.
20/03/2024 09:45
46. Regarding question 31, our pricing structure differs depending on which sector the client is in and which specialist is required. Therefore we cannot fit our price list and a short summary of what we do in the 400 characters (incl spaces). How important is providing our day rate/pricing structure? Could we provide as a separate file or are you happy for us to only include Senior Consultant and programme co-ordinator day rates?
Our guidance on pricing is " you can provide an indication as to your pricing model, for example price per unit, price on application, free, time and materials, etc. Remember you will have the opportunity to provide the buyer with detailed pricing information specific to their requirement at the point of them calling off the LVPS".
08/11/2023 14:22
45. Regarding question 25, we are a charity and we do not have a specific Person of Significant Control. We have a board of 13 trustees and one CEO, that hold the control together and none hold more than 25% of the voting rights in the charity in their capacity as members (as example UK Company Z in 2.1.4 in the guidance notes). Can we continue with our application without submitting details of a PSC and provide information/evidence after clarifying our status?
A person of significant control would apply to a Director / Managing Director or in this case the CEO.
08/11/2023 14:14
44. Hi, Please could you tell me if this DPS is available for construction consultancy services and if direct award is available. Many thanks
There is not a specific service heading that covers construction consultancy services. You would need to select the most relevant heading for your services. There is the option to direct award, you will need to ensure compliance with your corporate procurement policy.
08/11/2023 14:03
43. If a buyer engages a supplier via the LVPS framework, and the value of the service the supplier provides exceeds one of the below monetary thresholds, can the buyer then start a fresh/new contract with that same supplier? Essentially, can a buyer have multiple contract in place with one supplier through the LVPS framework. Thresholds - Supplies and Services All sectors - £378,660 Works All sectors - £4,733,252 Small lots Supplies and Services - £70,778 Works - £884,720
We cannot advise on this - you would need to take this up with your legal team.
08/11/2023 13:55
41. I have submitted a selection questionnaire and received a SQ evidence request. The SQ evidence request has made me realise that I have answered one of the selection questionnaire questions incorrectly. Is it possible to edit my responses at this stage? I can't see anywhere this can be done?
I cannot see any application for Low Value Purchase System. It could be that you have selected another DPS. Please contact NQC, our service provider who should be able to provide further assistance. Contact details: Telephone: +44 (0) 161 413 7982 Email: support@nqc.com
30/08/2023 13:53
40. In the selection questionnaire there is a question - Can you supply a list of your relevant principal contracts for goods and/or services provided in the last three years? Does this question relate to contracts for goods and/or services provided to the government or public sector via frameworks?? If you haven't previously provided services to the public or government sector can you provide examples of private sector clients or not?
This question is not relevant for the LVPS and it sounds like you are filling out a standard selection questionnaire - Please ensure you are registering under the LVPS Section on supplier registration. Please see link - https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1 - 'access as a supplier'
08/11/2023 13:47
38. Is the low value purchase system open to communications and design consultancies? There doesn't seem to be an option to tick that service in the list?
We appreciate the feedback on the service headings. These services can be procured via LVPS but suppliers must pick the most appropriate service heading available to them and detail their service offering within their application.
25/08/2023 16:12
37. Are the RFP opportunities listed in DPS exclusively accessible to DPS-appointed suppliers, or are they also available through other channels?
If an RFP is posted for a specific DPS, then only suppliers from the customers export from that DPS would be invited.
25/08/2023 16:06
36. Within the guidance document, there is a Service Heading Description of 'Permanent Recruitment and Contingent Labour'. However, there is no sub category for this within the page:https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps , to allow an application under this heading. Could you advise how an application is made under this category please?
Please can you ensure that you are registering under the relevant link on supplier registration - https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1 - 'access as a supplier' and under the LVPS you will be able to select this filter heading during this process.
07/08/2023 12:46
35. We have the following 6 clarification questions please: 1.Can the Authority/Buyer please confirm whether Redundancy Surcharge will apply for this opportunity? The DPS does not contain a route for the bidder to recoup redundancy costs for ETO nor for client-drive changes of scope. 2. Can the Authority/Buyer please confirm that Non-Core Terms will not apply to this opportunity? 3. Can the Authority/Buyer please confirm that the bidders will not be required to provide a Guarantee for the DPS nor for any Order Contracts? If this is still a requirement, please confirm whether CCS will be satisfied with the highest UK parent company for international groups of companies. 4. Can the Authority/Buyer please confirm whether the CCS standard mechanism of "Earn Back" for Service Credits will also apply on this occasion? 5. Will the Authority/Buyer be able to amend p. 6.3 of Schedule 5 to ensure that Data Validation and Asset Verification Audit is undertaken and completed during the 6 months after the service start date rather than during mobilisation? 6. Can the Authority/Buyer please confirm whether the bidders will be able to decline an Exempt Order Contract?
This does not relate the LVPS. Please ask the clarification question through the relevant DPS section on supplier registration for RM6264 Facilities Management.
07/08/2023 12:30
34. Please can you clarify what evidence you are looking for question Q172: Upload documentary evidence for parent company guarantee.
You are not required to upload documents when applying for the LVPS. Please can you ensure that you are registering under the relevant link on supplier registration - https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/dps?fh=1 - and under the LVPS section select 'access as a supplier'
03/03/2023 14:41

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