Low Value Purchase System
The Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) provides public sector buyers with a new route to market for their below threshold common goods and services.

The Low Value Purchase System (LVPS) provides public sector buyers with a new route to market for their below threshold common goods and services.
Benefits of using the LVPS include:
- ● A simple solution for low cost, low volume, low complexity requirements
- ● A flexible route to market where suppliers are able to join at any time
- ● Supporting the Government's SME policy
- ● Contributes to the Social Value outcome of increasing supply chain resilience and capacity by creating a diverse supply chain to deliver contracts including new businesses and entrepreneurs, SMEs and VCSEs
- ● A dynamic filtering system, giving customers flexibility based on the common goods and services they are looking to purchase, their SME status and on their location
- ● Dynamic filters ensure that the right suppliers are notified about opportunities relevant to the common goods and services they are able to provide
- ● Fully compliant with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015
- ● Aligns with Procurement Policy Note 11/20: Reserving Below Threshold Procurements
- ● Contract templates provided for ease of use
- ● Direct award is compliant with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 but customers should ensure compliance with their corporate procurement policy
To join the LVPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Dynamic Purchasing System Marketplace
The DPS Marketplace provides access to all procurements run by Crown Commercial Service using a Dynamic Purchasing System. Buyers can access framework agreements that meet common purchasing requirements across government.
Artificial Intelligence
Automation Marketplace
Cyber Security Services 3
Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2
Gigabit Capable Connectivity
HSCN Access Services
Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning
Space Enabled and Geospatial Services
Construction Professional Services
Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace
Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Solutions (VCIS)
Insurance Services 3
Leasing & Loan Finance
Fund Administration and Disbursement Services
Open Banking
Facilities Management and Workplace Services
Demand Management and Renewables
Housing Maintenance and Repair
Occupational Health and Related Services
Income Generation from Estates, Assets and IP

Artificial Intelligence
The Artificial Intelligence dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities. The services available enable you to scope a problem or project, understand how to solve problems using artificial intelligence (AI), and maximise the value and efficiency of your processes. The services available are:
- discovery and consultancy services related to artificial intelligence
- implementation and support of AI systems
- end-to-end partnerships with AI service providers
- AI technologies in health and social care
If you are new to AI, you can procure services through a discovery phase, to get an understanding of AI and how it can benefit your organisation. If you are experienced in using AI, you can buy software licensing, customisation and support for your AI systems. If you would like both of these things, you can procure end-to-end partnerships with AI service providers.
Health and social care bodies can procure AI applications such as medical imaging software, non-imaging diagnostic software and symptom-based software.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6200 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Automation Marketplace
The Automation Marketplace dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities.
It allows you to buy intelligent automation services and solutions, including automation technologies, services, consultancy, and software licences. These support you to maximise the value and efficiency of your business processes.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Automation Marketplace guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6173 Automation Marketplace - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Cyber Security Services 3
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. It offers a range of cyber security services that cover:
- NCSC assured services
- consultancy and advice
- penetration testing
- incident response
- data destruction and IT sanitisation
- managed security services (security operations centre and managed, detection and response)
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM3764iii Cyber Services DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Quality Assurance and Testing for IT Systems 2
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) offers independent quality assurance and testing (QAT) services. It is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities. The service types available are:
- testing environments
- specialists
- automation
- services (such as consultancy)
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the guidance within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6148 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Gigabit Capable Connectivity
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. The service types available are:
- broadband connectivity services: gigabit-capable internet connectivity
- infrastructure build services: build of connectivity infrastructure, not including services or internet connectivity
- managed infrastructure services: connectivity access between two specific sites, inclusive of maintenance
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Buyer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6095 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

HSCN Access Services
The HSCN Access Services dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all health, social care, and related organisations in the public sector. It's also available to a number of private sector organisations that provide health and social care services.
It enables you to procure Health & Social Care Network (HSCN) connectivity services from HSCN-compliant suppliers. The HSCN is a data network that enables health and social care organisations to access and share information reliably, flexibly and efficiently. This DPS includes support services for transition and implementation.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'DPS Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'RM3825 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

The Spark dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. You can procure a range of emerging technologies predicted to have the largest impact over the next 2 to 5 years, covering:
- Internet of things (IOT)
- artificial intelligence (AI) and automation
- simulated and enhanced environments
- engineering/materials science
- data
- wearables
- transport
- security
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'RM6094 Spark customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to
login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6094 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Audio Visual Technical Consultancy & Commissioning
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. This DPS is for buyers who need complex audio visual (AV) services and support services for spaces which use a range of AV technology.
You can use this DPS to create an end-to-end service for all your AV technology needs, from identifying your requirements and designing the AV space, to implementation of the design, to AV solution support.
You can use it to:
- design meeting spaces that enable all colleagues to take part in the meeting even if some members are virtual
- create collaboration zones and find out the best ways to integrate their AV technology
- design acoustic and visual plans for conference rooms that allow everyone to hear and see what they need
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'RM6225 Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6225 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Space Enabled and Geospatial Services
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. The services available are:
- space-enabled/satellite communication and broadcasting
- geospatial, remote sensing, and positioning, navigation and timing (PNT)
- unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs)
- upstream services (professional consulting services only, relating to launch or manufacture capabilities.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6235 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Marketing Communications and Research

Communications Marketplace
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. The services available are:
- creative development
- direct marketing
- sponsorship
- events
- production
- public relations (PR)
- social marketing and emerging channels
- campaign coordination
- marketing and advertising technology advice
- data science
- in-house agency services
- recruitment advertising
- partnerships
- content aggregation marketing
- marketing and communications strategy
- marketing strategic advice and consultancy
- data provision, management and augmentation
- internal communications and engagement
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Supplier guide - how to apply'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Research & Insights
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. You can procure social, economic and market research, and behavioural insights services for projects of all sizes and values. You can use these services to:
- build knowledge and learning in specific areas relevant to your organisation
- inform the actions that you might want to take next, gather evidence and contribute to developing
- knowledge in a particular field of study
- understand your audience, understand issues and increase public awareness
- create informed policies and public service design based on research evidence
- use a range of applied behavioural insights services
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First - RM6126 DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Construction Professional Services
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. You can procure a range of expert professional and technical construction services. The services available are:
- project management
- cost management
- engineering, for example civil, structural, electrical
- architectural and design services (design of buildings, spaces and infrastructure)
- environmental and sustainability services, helping you to become carbon neutral
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6242 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace
The Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace (DMP) is available to all central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities. You can procure:
- apprenticeship training courses
- end-point assessments
It's mainly used for apprentice training and assessments in England, but you can include additional service requirements for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It covers over 500 apprenticeship standards. All our suppliers are approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
You can run a further competition or do a rapid award. The rapid award feature allows you to filter relevant suppliers, review supplier prospectus and pricing information, and award to the supplier that best meets your needs. This can all be done directly on the system. There's the option to sign contracts online using DocuSign, or offline as you would do normally.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N4KXQ16nXk
You can also read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage: https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6102
Once you're ready to run your procurement, click 'Access as a buyer' below to
login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N4KXQ16nXk
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Quick supplier guide - how to apply'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Financial Services

Insurance Services 3
The Insurance Services 3 dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities. Insurance brokers appointed on our Insurance and Related Services 3 framework (RM6020) use this DPS on behalf of buyers, as the majority of insurance suppliers will only deal through a broker. However, if you wish to use the DPS directly, there are a limited number of suppliers who will deal directly with buyers. You can procure:
- insurance policies of all classes, including generalist and specialist insurance
- general advice and consultancy
- actuarial services
- claims handling (only through Lot 2 of the RM6020 framework)
Buyers: To learn more about this DPS and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer user guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
To learn more about the Insurance and Related Services 3 framework, read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
If you wish to use the DPS directly, once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6138 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Leasing & Loan Finance
The Leasing and Loan Finance dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations, and charities. You can procure funding through any of these five funding types:
- hire purchases
- finance leases
- operating leases
- asset secured loans
- sale and leaseback
You can either use the DPS to run a further competition directly with funders, or you can use our Leasing Advisory Services framework to appoint a leasing advisor, who will use this DPS on your behalf. Also, the leasing advisor can help you decide how best to fund an asset by creating an options appraisal for you, and they can help you to optimise your existing leases and loans by conducting a portfolio review.
Buyers: To learn more about this DPS and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
To learn more about the Leasing Advisory Services framework, read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
If you wish to use the DPS directly, once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Read First RM6120 Leasing and Loans Finance - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Fund Administration and Disbursement Services
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) offers all public sector bodies including central government departments, arms-length bodies, local authorities, blue light services and charities the opportunity to procure a variety of high-quality fund administration services.
The services available are:
- design and development: programme guidance, design elements, application forms and processes, monitoring and reporting, expert consultancy, IT systems
- market engagement and promotion: communication and marketing, target audiences, pre-application guidance, template designs including digital
- application and award services: administration, customer services, assessment & award, payment processing, performance monitoring
- evaluation services: design robust evaluation systems, measure impact and outcomes, carry out site visits, evaluate lessons learnt
- counter fraud services: fraud detection, post-event assurance, scheme review, mitigation of future risk
- full programme management: a combination of two or more elements of the above
This DPS is suitable for any funding scheme where a delivery partner is needed to administer one or more of the services listed above. These funds could include grants, loans, entitlement benefits, or any not so easily defined fund type or hybrid scheme (e.g. part grant, part loan).
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'RM6322 FAADS Customer Guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage: https://www.crowncommercial.gov.uk/agreements/RM6322
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD01XW-MoMg
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'RM6322 FAADS Supplier Guidance'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace. To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Open Banking
The Open Banking (data, Digital Payments & Confirmation of Payee Services) Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities.
It enables you to procure a diverse range of innovative Open Banking products and services from FCA regulated suppliers. The services available are:
Digital Payments Services, including account-to-account and direct debit;
Account Information Services, including income verification, affordability checks, identity checks, funds & transactions tracing and fraud services;
Confirmation of Payee (CoP).
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the customer guidance document.
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to
login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the READ FIRST RM6301-DPS Needs. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Facilities Management and Workplace Services
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. You can procure hard and soft facilities management (FM) and workplace services contracts that are lower value and/or less complex. This DPS complements the RM6232 Facilities Management and Workplace Services framework.
The services available are:
- catering services
- cleaning services
- defence only - end user accommodation services
- helpdesk services
- landscaping services
- maintenance services
- miscellaneous FM services
- security services
- smart FM solutions, including computer aided facility management (CAFM) services
- specialist Defence FM services
- statutory obligations / compliance services
- visitor support services
- waste services
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'RM6264 DPS Buyer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers:To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'READ FIRST RM6264 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace. To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Demand Management and Renewables
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is to support the decarbonisation strategies and Carbon Net Zero targets of Central Government and Wider Public Sector. It will provide a route to market for products and services that will manage an organisations energy demands and carbon emissions.
This (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, wider public sector organisations and charities. The services available are:
Allows buyers access to a range of services from design and feasibility to installation and maintenance of wider energy assets
Allows buyers access to procure renewable energy products from solar photovoltaic to wind turbines
Supports government policy delivery within wider energy technologies
Agility and flexibility to meet the wider governments CNZ 2050 target and any future decarbonisation legislation
Accessible route for suppliers to apply at any time
A dynamic filtering system, giving buyers flexibility based on requirements
A simplified filter system allowing suppliers to select their bespoke offerings
Quality and price can be assessed based on individual buyer's requirements
Fully compliant with UK procurement legislation
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the Bid pack and read the 'Supplier guide - how to apply'. It is important that you select "extract all" when downloading the Bid Pack zip folder to access all the documentation.
To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Housing Maintenance and Repair
This dynamic purchasing system (DPS) provides a compliant, one stop shop for all aspects of housing maintenance & repair for both tenanted and void/vacant properties. Featuring a vast range of both planned and reactive maintenance & repair services, the agreement also provides access to essential compliance services such as fire safety, electrical testing & asbestos management.
The Housing Maintenance & Repair DPS allows your organisation to overcome Section 20 legislative challenges, by allowing new suppliers to onboard onto the agreement throughout its lifetime. It can help achieve your Net Zero goals with our PAS 2030/35 certified suppliers offering Whole Home Retrofit services.
We also have the Housing Portfolio Management service offering, for customers looking to manage their housing stock and handle areas such as move ins/outs, disposals and put in place a centralised service to manage and fulfil repair requests.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Housing Maintenance & Repair - CCS
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
How to use the DPS system - CCS
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Supplier guide - how to apply'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Solutions (VCIS)
The Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Solutions (VCIS) dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK central government departments, agencies and public bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities. You can procure a range of products and services that support vehicle charging infrastructure, including:
- consultancy and feasibility
- civil design and installation
- provision, installation, maintenance of hardware
- software and back office solutions
- lease and purchase of commoditised products
- full end to end service
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Buyer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'RM6213 - DPS Needs'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Learning and Development

Learning and Training Services
The Learning and Training Services dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK public sector organisations. It is mainly aimed at wider public sector organisations and charities, but can also be used by central government departments, agencies and public bodies. You can procure:
- off-the-shelf training courses and professional qualifications
- specialist or bespoke training courses
- the design, build, supply and development of learning technologies and platforms
- education services to provide skills to the general public
For off-the-shelf training courses and professional qualifications, there's the option to do a rapid award. The rapid award feature allows you to filter relevant suppliers, review supplier prospectus and pricing information, and award to the supplier that best meets your needs. This can all be done directly on the system. There's the option to sign contracts online using DocuSign, or offline as you would do normally.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, watch this video:
You can also read the 'Customer guide' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to run your procurement, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch the video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'RM6219 Quick supplier guide - How to apply'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace. To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.

Adult Skills and Learning
The Adult Skills and Learning dynamic purchasing system (DPS) allows buyers to procure publicly funded skills training for adults (aged 19 and over) and young adults (aged 16 to 18) in the general public, supporting them to train, retrain and upskill throughout their lifetime.
It is available to all public sector organisations, including combined authorities, devolved administrations, local authorities, educational institutions, central government departments, agencies and public bodies.
You can procure contracted services for adult skills and learning from regional and national providers. You can use a range of funding streams to procure your training with this DPS, including but not limited to:
Post-16 training
Post-19 training
Adult Skills Fund
UK Shared Prosperity Fund
+ Any future iterations of existing funding types
+ Any future funding types
Apprenticeship levy training is excluded - for this, see our Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace.
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Buyer Guide’ within the 'Documents' section of the Adult Skills and Learning webpage.
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to
login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system.
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the ‘Bid pack’ below, and read the ‘RM6348 Quick supplier guide - How to apply’. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace. To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Occupational Health

Occupational Health
The Occupational Health and Related Services dynamic purchasing system (DPS) is available to all UK public sector bodies, the wider public sector (WPS) and the third sector. The available services reflect the needs and accessibility requirements of the modern and diverse workforce. Occupational Health services available through the DPS include, but are not limited to:
- Full-service providers (covering all occupational health and employee assistance programmes)
- Occupational health services
- Employee assistance programmes
- Eyecare and Hearing Services
- Health surveillance services
- Health screening services
- Vaccinations
- Guidance and counselling services
- Rehabilitation services
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the 'Customer Guidance' within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to
login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the ‘Bid pack’ below, and read the ‘RM6296 Quick supplier guide - How to apply’. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.
Income Generation from Estates, Assets and IP

Income Generation from Estates, Assets and IP
This DPS agreement is available to all UK government and public sector bodies. It enables organisations to run mini competitions to establish contracts for income generation services including:
self service vending
automated retail
pop up retail
automated cash machines (ATMs)
photo booths
reverse vending
portable battery chargers for mobile devices
delivery lockers
commercial advertising and experiential
brand licensing
commercial sponsorship
Buyers: To learn more about this commercial agreement and to find out how to run your procurement, first read the Customer Guide within the 'Documents' section of the agreement's webpage:
Once you're ready to create your supplier shortlist, click 'Access as a buyer' below to login/register. You can watch this video for help with how to use the DPS system:
Suppliers: To find out how to become a supplier on this commercial agreement, download the 'Bid pack' below, and read the 'Supplier guide - how to apply'. To apply, or to update your responses, click 'Access as a supplier' below to login/register.
Registration is free and there is no limit on the number of suppliers who can join this DPS Marketplace.
To join this DPS, view current suppliers or access more information, use the links below.