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Firstly, please ensure you have completed the relevant registration form via the link below:   https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/organisation/register   Then please check your junk/spam filters and ensure that no blocks have been placed on the noreply@crowncommercial.gov.uk ema…

Only user managers are able to add new users. If your account is set up as a user manager, you will see the option 'Manage your users' on the right hand side of your dashboard. Here you can view your existing users and select 'View' under each user to accept new requests, edit or disable their accou…

You will see this page when your organisation already has a registered account on the portal and as such, an access request will need to be sent to the account administrator. This will either be a previously registered user or the support team if there is no active administrator.   Please ensure…

To register as a Buyer on the portal, please visit the following link:   https://supplierregistration.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/buyer/register   If a pre-existing Buyer organisation exists, our support team will send an Access Request to the User Manager. If you are registering a new organisation,…

Organisations details registered on the portal such as the organisation name and address are pulled from the Dun & Bradstreet database. Registering your D-U-N-S ensures that you are linked to your main organisation account and are not creating a duplicate account, and ensures your organisation detai…

Please contact Dun & Bradstreet via the contact details below and they wil be able to assist with this:   Online Service: https://www.dnb.co.uk/  Email: UKCS@dnb.comTelephone: +44 (0) 800 001 234

Please allow up to 72 hours for buyer registrations. New organisation registrations will need to be approved by Crown Commercial Service and existing organisation registrations will usually need approval from the account administrator.   If you haven't reveived your activation email after 72 hour…

Please note that both suppliers and buyers will be registered on the Supplier Registration Service portal. If you have received a buyer confirmation email then you will be registered as a buyer. Please follow the relevant links provided in your buyer confirmation email which will direct you to the c…

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