How do I apply to join a Dynamic Purchasing System?
You can apply to the Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) as a supplier from the marketplace via the following link: Locate the Dynamic Purchasing System you wish to apply for and select 'Access as a supplier' to begin your application. You can als…
I have completed a Selection Questionnaire but I can't proceed to the DPS Questionnaire
Once you have completed the Selection Questionnaire, if your application is linked to the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), the next stage 'Registered 1' will open automatically, this will be stored in the 'Profiles' tab on the dashboard. If you are still unable to see this DPS questionnaire on the d…
My submission says 'Registered 1/2', what does this mean?
All applications to the Dynamic Purchasing System begin with the preliminary Selection Questionnaire. Once the Selection Questionnaire stage has been submitted, the 'Registered 1' stage will then open, followed by the 'Registered 2' stage.* These are bespoke stages to the questionnaire that rel…
How do I access the Dynamic Purchasing System as a Buyer?
To access the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) as a Buyer, you will first need to be registered as a public, Buyer organisation on the portal. If you are currently registered as a supplier, please complete a Buyer Registration Form using the following link: https://supplierregistration.cabinetof…
I can't find the option to upload my Cyber Essentials certificate?
You can enter your cyber essentials/plus certificate details in question 155/156 of the Selection Questionnaire stage, and for some DPS agreements you will then need to upload a copy of your certificate in the subsequent DPS questionnaire. For most DPS agreements however there is no option to u…
Can I change my answers once I have submitted my Selection Questionnaire for a DPS?
If your application to the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) uses the Selection Questionnaire 2016 version, you will be unable to amend your selection questionnaire stage once submitted. For suppliers not yet appointed to a DPS, if Crown Commercial Service have flagged an issue with the selection ques…
Crown Commercial Service have flagged that my address is incorrect in Question 4 of the Selection Questionnaire, how do I amend it?
If you are completing an application to one of the Dynamic Purchasing Systems which uses the new Selection Questionnaire (Open Banking, Adult Skills and Learning, Occupational Health and Related Services or Income Generation from Estates, Assets and IP) you can edit any part of the application. …
I am not based in the UK and the form is requesting a UK postcode, how do I proceed?
If you are not based in the UK, you can use the Royal Mail postcode EC1A 1AA as a generic postcode and the 8 digit number "00000000" as a dummy number for the UK Companies House Registration number if required.
I wish to update my details on the Dynamic Purchasing System and cannot find where to do this
You can update your DPS questionnaire by logging into the Supplier Registration dashboard and selecting 'Update DPSQ' on the DPS questionnaire in the 'Appointed' stage. If unable to see this questionnaire on the dashboard, please ensure the 'Questionnaires' filter is set to 'All questionnaires' and…
I have saved my incomplete Dynamic Purchasing System application and cannot find where to continue with it
Dynamic Purchasing System applications are stored in the 'Profiles' tab of your organisation dashboard. If you have progressed to the 'Registered 1' or 'Registered 2' stage you can access the application from the 'Profiles' tab on your Supplier Registration dashboard. Set the 'Questionnair…
The online questionnaire is requesting me to upload evidence but I don't currently have this available, how do I proceed?
The evidence submission stage is entirely optional for most DPS agreements. It is only used for assessment purposes for the Learning and Training Services DPS and the Apprenticeship Training Dynamic Marketplace DPS, whereby you will need to upload 3 insurance certificates to the stage for assessment…
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